About us

QCV Collection has over 15,000 luxury items to chose from in our store. We sell new, authentic Christian Louboutin, Dolce & Gabbana, Prada, Jimmy Choo, Versace, Tory Burch, Marc Jacobs, and more. All of our merchandise is shipped with original designer tags, dust bags, and boxes. 


We're a partner distributor of the designer brands featured in our catalog. In order to offer these designer brands B2C, or direct to consumer, our ecommerce solution is an approved seller on Shopify, Amazon, Google, Facebook & Instagram, and Ebay. On occasion we may run Poshmark, Mercari, and Groupon promotions for overstock inventory. For updates on these Flash Sales be sure to subscribe to our Newsletter.


Please note that most of our merchandise is stored and shipped from warehouses in Europe (See our Warehouses & Shipping page for more information).


Bulk Pricing


If you are interested in bulk pricing please contact us directly. 



For wholesale inquiries, send us an email with the word "Wholesale" in the subject line at: info@qcvcollection.com.